Episode 23 – Colin Forshaw – SUEZ Recycling & Recovery UK Ltd – Production Operations Manager

Having spent over 20 years in waste and recycling operations, most of which in Scotland, Colin is responsible for the management of several local authority contracts, most notably with Aberdeen City Council.


His current role includes operational management of the existing infrastructure in Aberdeen and, following a fire in 2022, design and rebuild of a major MRF facility within the city to support clients across Scotland.


He has experience of tendering for long term service contracts, contractual negotiations and managing financial performance of services following successful mobilisation.


With extensive knowledge of service implementation and commissioning of new processing facilities, Colin has experience of changing recycling and waste operations to meet new legislation and best practice.


A Fellow of the CIWM, Colin is a past Chair of CIWM Scottish Council and continues to be an elected Councillor, supporting Scottish policy and strategy development.


SUEZ Recycling & Recovery UK Ltd


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News items:

In episode 23 of Rubbish Talk Alasdair and Jane discuss current hot topics in the world of waste!

Waste Composition Analysis Report

ZWS just launched a Waste Composition Analysis report, a study covering 15 Scottish councils over the span of two years.

The report reveals a startling fact: 52% of the items we throw into our general waste bins could have been recycled, equivalent to a whopping 219kg per household every year.

Read the full report here 

Government’s Recycling Reforms

From the government website, learn about plans to reform the waste system. After assessing top-performing councils on recycling rates, they’re proposing changes that could make recycling simpler and more efficient.

Exemptions are set to allow all councils in England to offer just three waste containers: for dry recycling, food waste, and non-recyclable waste. An optional garden waste collection will be available, and councils can choose to co-collect food and garden waste if preferred.

While simplifying recycling is an admirable goal, we explore potential concerns, such as mixing glass and paper with all dry recyclate in one bin.


Read about it here

Albion News

Our Rubbish Talk Newsletter is still in the making, keep your eyes peeled for information on how to sign up! 👀

A huge congratulations to everyone involved in the KTP awards, we were thrilled to attend the Award Ceramony in Cardiff.

Read more on KTP Projects here

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