“A Winter’s Tale” – By John Crawford, CIWM Life Member

It is the last week in November 1994. The Director of Cleansing sits in Lotland Street, Inverness and wonders whether he should attend the Civic Reception later on for the Bahamas Dentists’ Association who are holding their Annual Congress in Inverness. The phone rings and Mandy says ‘the Chieffie wants to see you in his office at half past four.’


The D of C arrives at the Town House at the appointed time and is shown into the Chief Executive’s meeting room. The CE comes in on time, as does the Director of Admin with a notebook. The D of C is relieved that the D of Admin sits on the other side of the table given the latter’s ongoing problems with personal hygiene.


CE: ‘John, I’ve had several phone calls from the people who live in Belladrum Estate’.


D of C: ‘Why is Tom here with a notebook?


D of Admin: ‘I’m just taking a few notes’


D of C: ‘Why?’


CE: ‘Just for the record. Why have you stopped collecting refuse in Belladrum Estate?


D of C: ‘We told them weeks ago that the trees on the entrance road were needing trimmed as these were catching on our RCVs’.


CE: ‘did you tell them in writing?’


D of C ‘Of course. We gave them four weeks to trim the trees, but they didn’t bother. We told them a fortnight ago that if they didn’t trim the trees by last Friday, we’d stop the service.’


CE: ‘On what authority can you stop a service? Don’t you realise these are very busy, professional people who live up there?’


D of C: ‘If you look at the minutes of the Emergency Meeting of the Environmental Health Committee held last September, you’ll see they gave me sole authority to decide where the Refuse Collection Vehicles go.’


D of Admin: ‘Was this the meeting held on a bus round the Errogie Road? It was highly irregular.’


D of C: ‘The Committee decided I knew more about where RCVs should go than they did.’


CE: ‘And I take it that you are an expert in where RCVs can go?’


D of C: ‘Well I’ve held an HGV Licence since 1972 and been driving HGVs since then.’


CE: ‘Do you realise the amount of complaints I’ve had about this and your other actions?’


D of C: ‘What other actions?’


CE: ‘I had to speak to you the other week about your dealings with the Lord Burton.’


D of C: ‘Was this when you told me he was the Grand Master Mason?’


CE: ‘That’s nothing to do with it. He was infuriated with your answer to his request.’


D of C: ‘If the word ‘no’ infuriates him then you’ll have a lot more complaints about me. I’m not treating him any differently from a householder in South Kessock. Unless of course you instruct me to do so but I’d need that instruction in writing.


CE: ‘let’s get back to Belladrum’


D of C: ‘At this time of night?’


D of  Admin: ‘John, you’re bounding on impertinence’


D of C: ‘It would help if I knew what this was all about. When I interview staff along the lines you two are taking, I’d normally have a Shop Steward present.’


CE: ‘And where could you find a Shop Steward?’


D of C: ‘Actually I’m a member of the GMB and have been for a number of years.’


D of Admin: ‘I thought they only dealt with manual workers?’


D of C: ‘They do but they took over Fumpo a few years ago and my membership was transferred’.


CE: ‘Getting back to the point, I’d like to know how you can withdraw a statutory service without Committee approval?’


D of C: ‘I haven’t withdrawn the service. I’ve told them to either trim the trees or bring their wheeled bins down to the main road.’


CE: ‘And how are they to get wheeled bins down to the main road?’


D of C: ‘It’s not my problem. They were well warned. And anyway I haven’t withdrawn the service – I’ve simply re-designated the collection point as provided for in the 1990 Act’


CE: ‘I don’t think you understand how the Council needs to support the business community. A lot of local businessmen live in Belladrum.’


D of C: ‘Was this the kind of support you mentioned when you asked me to overlook an invoice for the rubbish dumped by the shop across from the Town House – something about him taking you fishing occasionally?’


CE: ‘I don’t recall that, but let’s get back. How can the road be suitable for Council vehicles one day and not the next? Surely trees don’t grow so quickly?’


D of C: ‘Well when the flashing warning light cluster gets torn off the roof of my RCV and lands on the road behind, I use my judgement. It will cost us over £100 to replace it and that’s before fitting charges. Does that answer your question?’


CE: ‘Given that it’s now 5.20pm and we have a reception tonight, we’ll call it a night there. See you later?’


D of C: ‘Will Tom be preparing a minute of this meeting?’


D of Admin: ‘I don’t think so………………..’


Later that night, the D of C goes to the Dentists’ Reception at the Town House and homes in on the CE’s missus, being as charming as only a Renfrewshire man can be. The CE stays away as long as possible but eventually has to join them. She says ‘Get me a wine Brian’. He says ‘red or white?’…………………… 


– Written by John Crawford, CIWM Life Member

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